

Transfer Student Panel

Panelist | 2024-04-03

At the behest of Blue Ridge Community College professor and CS Transfer Program Coordinator, Dan OBrien, I coordinated and lead a panel of current JMU transfer students on BRCC campus for incoming JMU transfers in CS and IT.

CHOICES Admitted Student Open House

Panelist & Tour Giver | 2024-03-02, 2024-04-05, 2024-04-12

As a JMU CS Ambassador, I give tours and speak on panels to newly admitted high school seniors and transfers at CHOICES, JMU's admitted students open house events.

Bridges to Computing Summer Camp

Teaching Assistant | 2024-07-10 - 2024-07-14

Bridges to Computing is an annual week-long program hosted by JMU’s Computer Science and Information Technology programs, designed to introduce and engage local refugee students in computer science. I acted as a teaching assistant for a track which aimed to teach students website development with virtual reality headset integration.


Get the Scoop on JMU Transfer

Volunteer Ambassador | 2023-10-25

Acted as a volunteer JMU ambassador for an event at Blue Ridge Community College as part of JMU's celebration of National Transfer Student Week and BRCC's Hunger Awareness Week.

Fractal Art with Python

Volunteer | 2023-10-2

Volunteered to assist with Dr. Michael Lam's "Fractal Art with Python" field trip with a local middle school. Students were walked through important CS concepts by Dr. Lam and given boilerplate code to modify to solve tasks. By the end of the activity students were creating unique art by modifying provided algorithms for famous fractals or starting from scratch!